Friday 16 November 2007

Angels and Wizards

Is it really friday already? I spent this afternoon at our youngest son's and partner's place on the other side of the town, putting in the first of the lavender plants in the herb garden. The sun was so strong and I pottered away, completely unaware of time, in the cold late autumn sunlight. Even though its late, I managed to plant tiny Iris, Crocus and huge daffodil bulbs. The soil had become compacted since late summer so it needed a little bit of work on it before setting the different bulbs. I was surprised to see the most beautiful display of pink and purple pelargoniums, held as a snapshot in the sunny afternoon air. We've had one or two early frosts of late but these little gems have escaped having flowers and leaves nipped to date.
Where has the week gone I'm wondering? Yesterday and the day before I was with Louis from early morning till after dark. We had some fun during our two days together. He is growing so fast and seems to becoming so much more observant. He watches everything going on around him with interest. I'm becoming more adept at feeding time too, less food over Louis and me and more going directly into his mouth. He is enjoying the new finger puppet activity, featuring me singing "Five Currant Buns in the Baker's Shop". He's also starting to roll over onto his tummy more on the playmat, although he tends to find it a little frustrating after a while and asks for help to get sorted out. Yesterday I played my new Krishna Das CD for him which he really liked, those mantras are so calming and great chants to move to! He's a little angel!
Tuesday was a wonderful day too, meeting up with a great friend for a few hours. He went to have a new electric guitar altered he's just purchased. This friend is a wizard guitar player and has a singing voice to match. When he was discussing what needed doing with the man at the guitar workshop, I couldn't understand a word they were talking about!, another language altogether it seemed, it was a bit like being back at the centre in Cyprus a few weeks ago! All in all, it was a magical day, we had so much 'catching up' to do, as a lot has happened since we last met up. We found a quiet, warm coffee shop out of the wind and had time to put the world right as well as enjoying a good laugh together about our respective journeys through this amazing life we are living!
I finally got my newsletter sorted It seems to have taken me some time to put it together as I've been really busy over the past few weeks. The thing is, its trying to remember the stuff that's been going on since the summer - that's such a long time away!
An angel who lives nearby helped me with inserting the photos alongside the text, he is an absolute wizard with technology. We need wizards in our life. Angels are also great blessings too. In my experience, wizards and angels are all around us in life, just waiting to help out, whenever we wish to call on them. They always respond!

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