Wednesday, 21 November 2007

"Living and Being"

We all meet up together on wednesday evenings for this new course in spiritual awakening and development. This group is very special, so interested and naturally loving. There's 'big' work going on here. Our theme for this evening was "Expressing Ourselves in the World". We began with a discussion about Mercury and its function within the natal chart, following this up by exploring each of our Mercury 'placements' to gain more understanding of how this important planet influences our style of communication and operates in our lives. The exercise was so revealing. Two of the group had watched the "Tuesdays With Morrie" video and were sharing how much they'd loved it. We did some follow up on the Cosmic Ordering exercise from the previous week with some very interesting feedback and positive results.
This week is National Tree Week and The Tree Council is organising lots of "Tree" awareness events up and down the country. On my trip out with Louis this morning we walked through the woods for about 2 miles, well, he was in his pushchair observing and I was walking! The air was damp but I'd wrapped my scarf around him for extra insulation. He is so observant. He enjoys counting the trees and loves watching the leaves fall. On the way home we walked through an underpass. He just loves going through it. I stand at one end calling his name and he sits at the other end laughing when he hears the echo. The other day I was singing and dancing for him and he was really loving it. My only slight embarrasment was a passer by ( I hadn't really noticed due to being so absorbed in the moment), who walked past us smiling discretely, with her head bowed down.

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