Tuesday, 27 November 2007


It's cold and dark outside today as I leave the warmth of the house. At 7.15am, the blackened sky is changing as night ice melts into newly forming puddles on the road. Morning is always a favourite time as winter approaches. Even so I'm transported back to those magical mornings in Cyprus only a month ago. Arriving for meditation and prayers at 5 each morning, the 'connection' and watching the different sunrises of 6 new days and how can I forget breakfasting on pomegranites, split open and piled into baskets, fresh from the tree! I cross the road at the bridge and gaze at the river just below. An English morning sky is in indigo transition, then sliding to pastel blue and the glorious pink-yellow sun smiles through magenta clouds. Soon it will be light. The garden looks so different. Time for porridge!

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