Thursday, 27 September 2007

Sea of Celebration

Eating strawberries and drinking champagne at this time of year is quite an unusual occurence. (Well for me it is!). But today was different. I do love days that are different! This was a surprise birthday celebration for a friend. A few weeks ago, another friend and I began organising this small get together, which finally took place this afternoon, at the end of the pier, above the wildest North Sea I've ever seen at this time of year. In what seemed like gale force winds, we wholeheartedly enjoyed this great occasion with a little 'letting go' ritual, the reading of a poem on the theme of friendship, followed by a photo shoot, plenty of hugs, laughter, strawberries and champagne. I'm reminded of a favourite piece by Emily Dickinson which goes something like this:

"Nature assigns the Sun
That is Astronomy
Nature cannot enact a Friend
That - is Astrology"

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