Monday, 24 September 2007


This morning I travelled south a few miles to be with a friend. Leaving the house in the pouring rain I noticed how quickly parts of the road in the village become flooded. By the time I arrive at my friend's house, the rain has stopped and, as always, I'm warmly welcomed. Three years ago I began visiting him. He is a great soul. During the visit, he enthusiastically shares the detail of his long and interesting life, a life that was interrupted a few years ago when he was diagnosed with a disease which plays complete havoc with his short term memory. Over a coffee he recalls his childhood days during the war with such extraordinary detail and I listen, trying to imagine growing up in England during the war. I'm touched by this open sharing of so many memories. When its time to leave, we arrange another visit in two weeks time then shake hands and he thanks me "for listening". To listen to a friend is a great way start another beautiful day.

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