Friday, 28 September 2007

Resting Time Approaches

The back of our home faces a copse and fields not far from the river. This is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Autumn is boldly colouring its way in, reminding me once again, of the beauty in endings. Over the next few weeks the landscape will transform itself into a blaze of fiery oranges and reds, as leaves fade and fall and tiny berries begin to light up branches in the dimming light of day. Already, each morning, I'm sweeping up the fallen leaves in the back yard and checking that the pond doesn't become covered. I sense the early morning frosts are on their way, but am still tending to our lovely hanging basket of deep purple petunias and the cascading velvety burgundy pelargoniums at the front of the house - and also picking the last of the outdooor tomatoes from the plants which have been growing on the steps over the summer.
I spent the morning cooking three simple and delicious Indian vegetarian dishes for tonight's meal, for someone special who's coming to stay and then flying off to warmer climes early in the morning. A chunky red chilli taken from the very healthy pepper plants grown this year on a south facing sunny windowsill added some heat to one of the dishes. I'm looking at them now and realising that autumn will be on the dining table too tonight, as we feast on these delicious red, orange, golden flavours and colours . Its a while since we all sat round the table and shared some wholesome 'love' food together. And time now for a late afternoon nap - just bliss.

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Sea of Celebration

Eating strawberries and drinking champagne at this time of year is quite an unusual occurence. (Well for me it is!). But today was different. I do love days that are different! This was a surprise birthday celebration for a friend. A few weeks ago, another friend and I began organising this small get together, which finally took place this afternoon, at the end of the pier, above the wildest North Sea I've ever seen at this time of year. In what seemed like gale force winds, we wholeheartedly enjoyed this great occasion with a little 'letting go' ritual, the reading of a poem on the theme of friendship, followed by a photo shoot, plenty of hugs, laughter, strawberries and champagne. I'm reminded of a favourite piece by Emily Dickinson which goes something like this:

"Nature assigns the Sun
That is Astronomy
Nature cannot enact a Friend
That - is Astrology"

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Autumnal Equinox

The air temperature had definitely dropped today. The autumn equinox period is the
moment in time when the ecliptic (the sun's orbit around the earth) cuts the celestial equator. Astrologically, we move out of the mutable earth energy of the sign of Virgo into the communicative air sign of balance, Libra. There is also Full Moon today. The 'astrological' energy for the coming weeks is all about relationship - as Libra,(ruled by Venus) is concerned with balance, beauty and harmony in life. The Libran soul lesson is relationship.
My early morning walk before breakfast, led me to the crossing point of the river, which runs around the village where I live, just past the farm. The weeping willows shook in the breeze and the fast flowing water sparkled reflecting the late morning sun. The riverbanks are crowded with Impatiens but soon the morning frosts will alter this increasingly fragile but beautiful scenery. This place is a very different space in the different seasons.
The coldness of the morning ushered me back home for a morning of cooking.
On the menu was a simple vegetable soup from the freshest of ingredients including some of the leeks from the allotment and plenty of carrots, parsnips, red pepper, french beans and celery.
Some herbs from our sunny front garden were added - bay, sage, rosemary and some of the greenest parsley I've ever grown. With some home made wholemeal bread this will make a really warming and welcoming lunch for a friend who's visiting today. We haven't seen each other since early summer so it'll be a great occasion. We will slow down, share our news, reflect upon our 'journeys', enjoy some precious time together - and time permitting, some astrology. Shine on Harvest Moon!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Louis and Me

I spent the day with Louis ( pronounced "Louie"), today and his Mum. Louis arrived on June 1st this year. He is the first beautiful son of my eldest (beautiful) son (who'll celebrate his 27th bithday on Christmas eve this year) and his equally beautiful partner. I'm very excited at this time as soon we will be spending two days a week together, once his Mum returns to work in a couple of weeks. I've not looked after such a young baby for a long, long time. My world is about to change and big responsiblities are heading this way - bottles, nappies, baby foods, lullabies, nursery rhymes, songs, feeding and nap times, dancing and endless cuddles and conversations are all on the horizon. I'm a lucky man.
And today, in these early days of my "apprenticeship" with him, the glorious sunshine beckoned us to the beach. Beaches are always magnetic places at this time of year. Clouds filled the sky when we arrived and the sea, a canvas of dramatic grey. The strong winds transformed the flapping shop signs into a seaside orchestra. In his pushchair and wrapped in a soft teddy blanket, Louis accompanied me to the beach. We stopped at the seafront and felt the cold air on our faces. I was sharing some thoughts with him, that sometimes there are things in life which are so much greater and more powerful than ourselves, like the vast ocean in front of us and the unending sky above. I was looking at him and trying to understand that almost 27 years ago I became a father. And here in front of me was my son's son. Has it registered that I'm now a Granddad? Where did the last 27 years go? When our eyes met, he just kept smiling and laughing ---- reminding me not to miss the specialness of the moment of this being together.

Monday, 24 September 2007


This morning I travelled south a few miles to be with a friend. Leaving the house in the pouring rain I noticed how quickly parts of the road in the village become flooded. By the time I arrive at my friend's house, the rain has stopped and, as always, I'm warmly welcomed. Three years ago I began visiting him. He is a great soul. During the visit, he enthusiastically shares the detail of his long and interesting life, a life that was interrupted a few years ago when he was diagnosed with a disease which plays complete havoc with his short term memory. Over a coffee he recalls his childhood days during the war with such extraordinary detail and I listen, trying to imagine growing up in England during the war. I'm touched by this open sharing of so many memories. When its time to leave, we arrange another visit in two weeks time then shake hands and he thanks me "for listening". To listen to a friend is a great way start another beautiful day.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Bridge of Sighs

This late September weekend has been so special, this journey - yesterday and today, working, playing, laughing, eating, relaxing, serving, crying and healing together. Times of remembrance, our true natures. So much respect and love for our selves and each other. Stories were shared and the listening was holy. All the beauty of each of those sacred moments spent together. This sunny morning, as we closed eyes and held each other on the bridge, tears fell under willows, sighs and weeping into the warm autumnal morning breeze. Stones in the flowing water and sticks of chosen colour as we decided in that single moment. And so safely we stood in our own truth, ready to let go of what needed to be released, serenely, a little less holding on, more an opening of hearts. Mists cleared, new paths ahead, lighter steps as goodbyes were said and 6 bridges were crossed. The sky smiled and joy and laughter guided us on our way home.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Autumn Beach Walk

Today was a most beautiful early autumn day. As I looked to the sky I thought "I must go down to the sea again". The sea calls me on days like these. All I need is an autumn sun in an ice blue sky, miles of deserted beaches and to walk the lines created where the sacred earth meets the sea.

Monday, 17 September 2007

Going into the Garden

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