Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Louis and Me (3)

What I really love every once in a while is being really present. Being really present is something very special that happens when you are completely absorbed in the moment, without any distractions. When you're really present, the moment and what is happening in that moment is completely real and sacred.
Late this afternoon I was with Louis. He is almost 5 months old now. I notice how observant he is and also I'm learning more and more about his responses --- to the voices and gestures of the people around him. He is really enjoying life and launching in to every experience! I think he's also cultivating discernment.
Today I was holding him on my knee and we were looking at one of his pop up books. He is so lively as we move through the pages together and as the next part of the Dinosaur story unfolds. I'm thinking "Is he really interested in the life of the Diplodocus or Tricerotops"?
Judging by his animated reactions and responses I'd say "yes"! He moves towards each page, head first, then hands, ready to eat as his little mouth opens to try a bite of the story.
Louis is always much more in 'the present' than I am.
This intention to 'be present' escapes me for the moment as I think back to the precious moments spent with Louis' Dad many moons ago, when I was in my early twenties, like the summer saturday we spent at the Dinosaur exhibition in York, I think when he was about five years old? And I can see him now, in his little red dinosaur t-shirt, putting his head through the narrow garden-park railings and laughing so loudly at my worried expression. Spending times like that with him was so precious. I wonder if he remembers any of those moments?
Twenty odd years on, I can't describe how it feels to be spending this time with Louis.
Just for today I count all my blessings.

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